Insight Timer Success

$997.00 USD

Here's what's included in your package:

✨ All of the resources you need to build an audience and make money doing what you love to do!

✨ Immediate access to the Insight Timer Success course to build an audience of dream clients who are SO ready to hire you

You'll also receive tutorials on:

✨ how to efficiently work through the (confusing) application process so that you can start growing your audience ASAP

✨ how to record, edit, and post your guided meditations to reach your ideal client

✨ how to add free meditation music to your meditations to make professional recordings you can use as a resource to offer your existing clients

✨ the equipment and tech you should actually invest in (and what you can skip to save money)

✨ secrets on EXACTLY how to "promote" yourself without feeling salesy

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This challenge will help you craft the PERFECT package at your IDEAL rates so that you're ready to offer it to your dream clients!